

Upitnik: Povratne informacije o normama za čvrsta biogoriva


Normizacijska tijela i donosioci odluka ovisni su o povratnim informacijama i stavovima industrije kako bi se stvorili okviri koji podržavaju razvoj tržišta za čvrsta biogoriva. Prikupljene informacije bit će analizirane i dostavljene relevantnim normizacijskim tijelima i donosiocima odluka.

Želimo Vas pozvati da dostavite svoje mišljenje o trenutnim normama za čvrsta biogoriva i potrebama za nove norme.

Molimo Vas da koristite ovu QuestBack poveznicu na Engleskom jeziku i ispunite odgovore na pitanja ili preuzmete Upitnik, ispunite ga i dostavite na sljedeću e-mail adresu: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vaše informacije će biti tretirane anonimno.

Rezultati će se koristiti od strane nacionalnih i međunarodnih normizacijskih tijela u procesu pregleda trenutnih normi i razvoja novih normi te će biti prikazani europskim i nacionalnim donosiocima odluka.

Sve publikacije vezane uz povratne informacije od strane industrije u okviru projekta SolidStandards mogu se naći Ovdje


The final publishable report including the achievements and impacts of the project can be downloaded here.


Conference on Impact and achievements of IEE bioenergy projects.
The conference will present the impact achieved by the projects funded under the IEE programme as well as the final results of the 8 solid biomass and biogas projects coming to an end in 2014 including the SolidStandards project. For more information please click here.


The final workshop that was held in Brussels was successful with very interesting feedback from the industry. Please click here to download the report.


SolidStandards final workshop, Brussels, Belgium
A workshop will be held in Brussels on 05 March 2014. The aim of this workshop is to disseminate and discuss project results.
Please click here to download the Agenda.


A training on wood chips, woody and non-woody pellets will be organised by CIRCE in Zaragoza, Spain on 15 January 2014.
Please click here to download the Agenda
For more information please contact:
Eva López Hernández,
Tel: 876 555 511,
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


HFA designed booklets with 54 wood chip and hog fuel samples, including the product declarations according to ÖNORM C 4005 and ISO/FDIS 17225-1. Download the excerpt of the english version here and the excerpt of the German version here.
For more information please contact Monika Steiner m.steiner(at)


The second training on wood pellets in Denmark will be organised on 20 August 2013 during the Danish wood pellet conference. For more information please check this link:


The training on General and sustainibility standardisation and wood pellets in The Netherlands will be organised on 3 June 2013

The second training on wood pellets in Germany will be organised on 04 June 2013

The second training on non-woody pellets in Poland will be organised on 18 June 2013


The second training on wood chips in Germany will be organised on 13 May 2013

The first training on wood chips in Italy will be organised on 14 May 2013

The training on wood pellets in Bulgaria will be organised on 28 May 2013


ÖNORM C 4005 & ÖNORM C 4006 published as national supplement to European solid biomass standards

The training on wood chips in Finland will be organised on 9-10 April 2013

The second training on wood chips in Austria will be organised on 11 April  2013


The training on firewood in Bulgaria will be organised on 5 March 2013


International standards will supersede current European standards for solid biofuels


The training on wood chips in Croatia will be organised on 16 January 2013

The training on wood pellets in Italy will be organised on 14 February 2013


The first training on wood chips in Germany will be organised on 20 November 2012
The training on non-woody pellets in Germany will be organised on 29 November 2012

The training on non-woody pellets in Lithuania will be organised on 20 December 2012
The training on wood pellets in Lithuania will be organised on 26 November 2012

The second training on wood pellets in Poland will be organised on 23 November 2012


The training on wood chips in Lithuania will be organised on 30 October 2012

The training on briquettes, wood chips and firewood in Poland will be organised on 17 September 2012

The training on non-woody pellets in the Czech Republic will be organised on 19 September 2012


The Dutch SolidStandards Training will be held in Utrecht June 7&8, 2012. Find more information here:


The SolidStandards standardization guidebook is finalised and ready for download.


The SolidStandards sustainability guidebook is finalised and ready for download.


The product standard for non-woody pellets (EN14961-6) and the specific quality ensurance standards (EN15234-2 to 6) have been officially approved.


In a first round of consultation, more than 120 industry stakeholders from all over Europe have been consulted and contributed to the development of the SolidStandards training.


2011-July-22 is launched


SolidStandards workshop on sustainability criteria for solid biofuels


We are looking for companies interested in implementing European quality standards for solid biofuels


Start of the SolidStandards project